



  • 發布日期:
  • 最後更新日期:112-12-12
  • 資料點閱次數:9237
中文詞彙  英文詞彙 
 送達地址  address for service
 行政執行 administrative execution
 公法上的罰金/罰鍰  administrative fine
行政訴訟法  administrative procedural law
 行政處分  administrative sanction
 拘提  arrest of a person accusedarrestforce somebody before court
 拍賣  auctionsale
 破產  bankruptcy
 拘票  bench warrantwarrant for the arrest of a person
 匯票  bills exchange
 支票  checks
 書記官()  clerksecretary
 強制力  coercive forceexert force
 強制  compulsioncoerceenforce
 查封  compulsory sealingseizuresequestration seal up (property)
 拍定  conclusion of the auctionhighest-bidding
 存款  deposit
 董事  directors
 執行  enforcement
 強制執行程序  enforcement procedure
 執行  execution
 對不動產執行  execution against immovableexecution against real properties
 對其他財產權執行  execution against other rights property
 執行命令  execution decreewrit of execution
 對動產執行  execution on movable propertiesexecution on personal properties
 執行程序  execution proceedingsprocedure for execution
 執行人()  executorfeasoroperational staff
 執行費用  expense of execution
 贈與  gift
 擔保/保證  guaranteesecuritywarrantyoppignerarevouchmentguarantyavouchvouchassurebailpledge coverplight one's words
 保證人/擔保人  guarantorbondsmansuretyvoucher
 遺產繼承人  heirs to property
 拍定人  highest-biddersuccessful bidder
 拘禁  imprisonment
 財產目錄  invent or content of properties
 法人  juridical persons
 勞工保險  labor insurance
 法定住所  legal domicile
 法定代理人  legal representative
 清算人  liquidator
 執行方法  manner of executionmanner of enforcement ; means of enforcement
 執行方式  mode of execution
 抵押權  mortgage
 執行通知書  notice of execution of sentence
 義務人  obligor
 扣押命令  order for attachmentwarrant of distress
 強制執行命令  order for enforcementenforcement formula
 合夥  partnership
 利害關係人  party interested party in interestinterested partyinterested person
 清償  performance
 執行公務  performance of official business
 聲明異議  petition of rejection
 比例原則  pirnciple of proportionalityproportionality principle
 陳述  pleadingsrepresentationrepresentutterancestatementdeclarestate
 本票  promissory notes
 財產  property
 假處分  provisional disposition
 公法  public law
 拍賣公告  public notice for auction
 撤銷案件  quash the case
 移送管轄  referral of jurisdiction
 代表人  representative
 限制居住自由  restriction of freedom of residence
 撤回  revocation
 扣押  seizureattachmentdistress
 送達證書  service of certificate
 送達  servicedelivery
 停止執行  stay enforcementsuspension of execution
 繼承  succession
 納稅義務人  taxpayer
 執行時間  term of execution
 納稅義務  the duty to pay tax
 房屋稅  the house tax
 所得稅  the income tax
 土地增值稅  the land value increment tax
 地價稅  the land value taxtax on price of land
 全民健康保險  The National Health Insurance